Image Use Policy

This is written in response to requests asking if you can use images or other content found on this site.

All images found on this website belong to their respective owners. No image found on this website may be used in commercial or private sales, advertisement of any sort for the purpose of profit, trade, or sale, uploaded to any other website, or used in any capacity without permission from the original author.

Please note that the primary purpose of this site is to conduct pomegranate research and distribute it freely. Pomegranate growing is practically unknown in the Midwest and colder regions of the United States. This forum is a source to hopefully change that. It takes several years and a significant amount of money to produce research documents that others can benefit from. Nothing annoys me more than people who reach out privately requesting to buy large quantities of cuttings or use the photos of my research (clearly with the intent to advertise and make a profit) and offer me a few dollars for my work. Don't be that guy.

No images posted by pombazaar may be used without written permission!